The Bible – a book with seven seals? That doesn’t have to be the case. Never before has there been so much ingenious help to make it easier for you to engage with the Bible. Get to know our everyday tips here!

Bible server

Read and study the Bible

AI helps to answer logical questions. The problem: Are the sources reliable? With the Bible server, they are – it’s the Bible itself. The AI search function is available after registration. A good alternative to Google!

  • Read and study the Bible – with AI support: Bible server
To the Kreatikon website

The Bible League

God’s Word moves: In Germany, we help you discover the Bible and pass on Bibles to those who are longing for the truth.

To the Kreatikon website

Marriage and relationship

Marriage: The deepest, most fulfilling but also most challenging relationship we humans have. Here you will find valuable resources for our sermon series

International community

Great websites to welcome all people and cultures into our communities.


4th Musketeer & Arise

Embark on a journey where 30 cm is the longest distance. The distance between your head and your heart! From everyday life back to vocation: For God – For family – For church – For justice

To the Kreatikon website

Science & Faith

Two sides of the same coin but since 2 centuries a challange arised. Three websites dedicated to this topic:

To the Kreatikon website

Creation & Science (DE)

Textbooks tell us that the theory of evolution is the state of science. This is not the case – it is one theory of many and has major logical as well as scientific gaps. If you would like to learn more, we recommend the following sites in German-speaking countries, among others:

To the YouTube channel of Wesley Huff

Wesley Huff (EN)

Are there good reasons to take the Bible seriously? Can we even have confidence that it hasn’t been altered, adapted, influenced, and edited since its last book was penned nearly two thousand years ago? What are the implications if the Bible’s claims are true?

Acts 17 Polemics on YouTube

Apologetics Roadshow (EN)

David Wood teaches how to argue with people in the area of Islam. He is a great expert and provides some compact information every Christian should know.

To the website of Stephen C. Meyer

Stephen C. Meyer (EN)

God and science – do they go together? Stephen C. Meyer is a great place to delve into these two topics. If you really want to find out how likely the Big Bang Theory is – this is the place to start.

To the YouTube channel of Mike Winger

Daily dose of wisdom (EN)

Brandon McGuire searches the internet for interesting statements and debates about Christian thoughts and behavior. When he finds something inspiring he makes a brief summery and comments it for as. Recommended for daily use 🙂

To the YouTube channel of Mike Winger

N. T. Wright online

Ever wanted to know more about thinks like “The kingdom of God”? Prof. N. T. Wright is one of the greatest theologians in Britain. On his YouTube channel you will find several high quality series about theological topics accessible for everybody. A wonderful recource!

To the YouTube channel of Mike Winger

What’s in your bible? (EN)

Ever wondered why there are so different translations? Check out the Instagram channel of @WhatsinyourBible for a very entertaining way of finding out what’s behind certain passages.

To the YouTube channel of Mike Winger

Wise Disciple with Nate Sala (EN)

Become the effective Christian you are meant to be! By following Wise Disciple, you will learn how to think logically and argue with people of different opinions. At the same time, you will discover the biggest debates and hottest topics in the Christian community today. A big step for disciples of Christ who are ready for the next step.

To the YouTube channel of Mike Winger

Mike Winger Bible Thinker (EN)

Learn To Think Biblically About Everything. If you want to learn how to answer questions about the Bible and its interpretation, Mike Winger is a great resource. He posts weekly in-depth formats (about an hour). He also takes questions from the outside every Friday. A great way to grow in biblical understanding.

To the Desiring God website

Ask Pastor John

John Piper is one of the greatest Bible teachers of our time. He answers questions from all over the world in his short 10-minute podcast (streaming every other day). The special thing about it is: He is always reflecting on the question in the light of the wisdom found in the Bible. So if you are looking for a place to connect your daily life to the Scriptures – here it is.

The Bible Quiz

There’s nothing more fun than discovering something through play. Bible quizzes are a great way to test your knowledge and learn new things. Unfortunately, there are not many apps in German – but “Das Bibel Quiz” is one that offers German as a language option. Give it a try!

To the YouTube channel of Mike Winger

Meet neighbors and help

Would you like to get to know your neighbors? Residents and their interests can register on and thus meet each other. Take the opportunity to discover people in your area!

Bible software Logos

Would you like to study the Bible but don’t know any ancient languages? This is just a small function that Logs can help you with. Courses, Bible study, sermon writing and so much more. Technology can also be a blessing 🙂 PS: We have no connection to logos and only recommend here from everyday practice

The Chosen: the TV series

Experience the story of Jesus and his followers in an unprecedented way and meet the ordinary people around Jesus from a completely new perspective. Free and freely available – watch a really good series now 🙂

To the Bibelmaps website

Maps of the Bible as an app

How big was the Babylonian Empire and was the Persian Empire bigger? How did Paul’s journey go and how were the 12 tribes of Israel divided up? Anyone who reads the Bible always has these and other questions. Bible Maps provides mobile help so that all maps are always at hand. The practical travel companion to the Bible.

To the Remember Me website

Memorize Bible verses

Do you find that difficult? Good news: The free app “Remember Me” helps you memorize Bible verses in many different ways. From now on there are no more excuses! Download now and get started with the verse that is particularly close to your heart. So you can always carry it close to your heart 🙂

To the 365 website

365 Steps

A dedicated app, magazines, website, social media, videos, camps, conferences – the 365 team has a knack for providing the younger generation with fresh communication and life-relevant content. Jesus in everyday life – every day… 365 times a year!

to the founder cast

The founder cast

Planting a church is an adventure with God and people. The Gründercast is a podcast that regularly broadcasts exciting conversations about church planting and related topics. Just listen to it – perfect inspiration for the evening, a car ride or the next … Church planting 🙂

The Bible reading prayer

I read the Bible for 15 minutes every morning. I pray the following four prayers before each reading:
My father, I ask you that your word may guide me

  1. filled with joy!
  2. fills me up!
  3. that I discover in it your secrets to life!
  4. that I am concentrated while reading!
  • Bonus: that I may be enabled to speak of you!

Bible handle index

Yes, Bible apps are great! But if you want to study the same book repeatedly and get to know it, there is no getting around paper. Even those who know their way around will have to search their Bible until they find the right book. Bible indexes are a practical (and inexpensive) help here. We have linked a few examples here:

To the Bible app

The Bible App

Choose from more than 2400 Bible translations in over 1600 languages on your computer, cell phone or tablet – many also available as audio Bibles. A must-have for every smartphone! Bonus: When you log in, there is a social media function. Share, like – be on the road together 🙂

To the Bible app

The Bible app for kids

Get to know the biblical story, discover treasures, collect Bible passages, answer quiz questions and enjoy the many playful animations that you can discover with the mouse or touch. Not entirely without an addictive factor for adults either 😉

To the Bible app

The BibleProject

The biblical books have a rhythm – a structure. Those who recognize and understand them can delve much deeper into the Bible! The BibleProject is an ingenious way to start studying the Bible: With beautifully animated short films, the creators take us into the mysteries of the Word of God. Don’t miss it! Free of charge at: